Casino characters and women celebrating with gold coins

What will you do when you win at ZAR Casino? Who will you tell? Herein lies the tale of 2 big winners! Discover what they did, what happened and why it is important to plan for winning.

If you want to win big at an online casino in South Africa, you have to be prepared for when you win. Since we offer real money casino games, hitting the jackpot is more likely than you think. Our progressive jackpot slots offer up excellent changes to win massive amounts of money. We also offer other casino games with real money winning potential, namely:

Online Slots





Video Poker

Live Dealer Casino

Mobile Games, and

an Android APK


It’s no wonder that we are often referred to as the finest South African casino. With real money wins comes real life responsibility. In this article, we showcase why responsible and proper money management helps you plan for when you hit it big with us.

The Story of Bert

During September 2019, Bert (not his real name) registered his account with us. He played to his hearts content with a R20 deposit and fancy bonus to match. Bert loves online casino slots and quickly explored the most stunning slots found in South Africa. Settling down to one of his favourite online slot machines, hit the jackpot on his second spin – A whopping R67,000! Not a bad return for a R20 deposit!

Bert did not plan what he would do if he won big as it seemed to far-fetched. He admits that he’s been dreaming about winning, but that he never actually devised a concrete plan of what he would do.

”I had many dreams. You know, when there’s a braai, and everyone talks about what they would do when they win the Lotto or Powerball millions? Ja, I had many dreams, but nothing concrete”

“I bought watches, and chains, and rings. Gold. For me the R67,000 was like millions. I thought it would last forever” 

So when Bert won the jackpot, he didn’t take a step back to savour his big win. We understand – winning big at an online casino is as joyous as winning the Lotto or Powerball. Fortunately, ZAR Casino has the option to withdraw some of your winnings, allowing you to play with what is left over. This allows you to carry on with your lucky streak and winning ways, while waiting for that big payout. Imagine playing with money you won while you wait for that EFT to clear in your bank account. It’s a win-win situation. This is one of the many stategies you can use when you win big. What you do with your winnings from your bank account is your prerogative, enjoy it!

Zandi’s Happy Ending

Zandi (not her real name) won R89,000 after depositing R300 in July 2020 and she freaked out – in more ways than one.

“I screamed and after my husband realised I was actually okay, he calmed me down and said we have to talk about what I really wanted to do with the money”

She admits that she wanted to go shopping right away, and spoil her husband and kids, “and my phone is not the latest model – I wanted to instantly upgrade it”, but her husband is made of sterner stuff and said they should take some time out before making any decisions. “I’m a bit of a blabber mouth, and told my Mom and my sister right away, and then some friends”

The story of her lucky win soon spread like wildfire, and it wasn’t 48 hours before the request for help came. “A neighbour came to the door, asking if Zandi would help her with a deposit for a car so that her son could get the university”. Zandi admits that she felt so bad for the young man that had to take 2 taxis and a bus to get to campus, that she was ready to help.

Her husband advised her that discussing all options is what would be best for them before spending anything. “In the end we saw a financial advisor, and although we kept a little bit for ourselves, mostly to settle our clothing accounts, we invested the rest”. After the euphoria wore off, Zandi is grateful for counsel after a high that the casino win gave her.

“The best is, now I’m on a high everyday, knowing that my online casino wins are safe.” Does she still place a bet at ZAR Casino? “Of course! And I’ve won twice again after that –  both times at ZAR Casino! Once I won R10,000 and another time I won R7,500, and the casino wins have gone to join the other money. I will never stop playing at ZAR Casino.”

What To Do When You Win At ZAR Casino

Responsibly managing your ZAR Casino winnings is imperative to ensuring you spend the money in the best way. No impulse buying, not too big a celebration party at the weekend. Take a second to think about what you can do with the money to better your life or the life of your family. This is the biggest advantage of an online gambling casino in South Africa – winning real money when you’re just having fun. Fun that turns into money is glorious. Winning big with ZAR Casino is even better.

The paramount tip we can give you is to wait before you start spending. Bask in the delight that you’ve won but leave the money where it is. Take some time to really decide what you would want to do with it. If you think of something you want to do, write it down and add the cost.

Exploring the option of a money expert like a financial planner is always good. Investing some of the money is a great way to save for that rainy day in future. The main reason for this is to have the money works for you! If Bert had invested just R60,000 (with R7,000 for treats to celebrate the online casino win), he would have had the luxury of knowing that there is a nice little nest egg growing, ready to use on that rainy day or add to retirement savings.

It Pays to Play with ZAR Casino

Whatever your thoughts are, at ZAR Casino we see that it pays to play, and we want you to win and enjoy the spoils.

May Lady Luck smile your way.